Level Up


It's been a hectic time; getting the rhythm back for work, adjusting to the new studio, a new lifestyle, commission works, and just re-balancing life - there has been art, writing, music, poetry, many, many small works, and a return to painting as well. Whew. 

"One - the EDM Series"

Within all of this, is constant observation and the natural process of living and growing; I've been taking a lot of time out to digest and absorb my experiences, and arrange them somewhere inside myself, along with tidying up the past, and putting it aside, to make room for the new. 

"Work In Progress - Iris"

While Life handles its own ebb and flow, my own truths find their way into the art, and develop into new outcomes - after every plateau comes a stage of evolution, and this is often echoed in real life circumstances, and ways of living. The strangeness of the unfamiliar is fertile ground for new artistic and creative endeavour - though I cannot say, in all honesty, that I have a master plan with definitive guidelines for what we shall call, the next bit....