I love it when the creative works and skills of other people inspire me...
While so many things are called 'art' these days, it is rare that the paintings and drawings of other artists give me inspiration... it is in fact the other arts that I find intriguing and provocative.
Be it photography, handmade crafts, story-telling, film, theatre, poetry, I find that the works defined in these different arenas provoke my vision, tickle my creative fancy and allow me to continue my artistic journey through providing me with a stimulated emotional sense..
The photo in this entry is of a minor work just completed titled 'Dryad'. The inspiration for this work came from a gentleman I met on Twitter, Steven Weathers, who shared some awesome photos of ancient trees in China.
While the composition isn't focused on the trees, I wanted the sensory appeal of their presence to merge and harmonise with the sensuality of the dryad. Given that the majority of my work has a theme of sensuality and goddess feeling, the trees were to provide the context, the environment...
Such it is that I spend little time in galleries and museums, for while I do enjoy them when I visit, it is through the other creative pursuits that I actually find conversations with my muse.