Forever Autumn

Forever Autumn work in progress

Forever Autumn work in progress

Working on a colour composition inspired by a song on the War Of The Worlds soundtrack, Forever Autumn. I've loved that album since I was a teen, and that particular song has long been a favourite of mine. 
I started with a graphite comp, outlining and shading the leaves, then a layer of ink work, to deepen the lines, and create greater contrasts. I followed that with the colour pencil work, choosing my colours as I worked, working organically rather than working to a plan. I didn't do a colour study to plot my progress, I'm just working on the fly. 

There are, as always, other works on the go, including paintings and projects like the Book Of Grace - I prefer to have a lot of different compositions in progress at once, to give me a greater critical distance with each work, as well as keep my eyes fresh when I come back to a piece. So there's a lot happening in the studio right now - I'm endeavouring to be a little more active on the blog, but there are great many changes happening for me both personally and professionally at this time; I'll do my best! 

For any questions, comments or enquiries, please email, and remember to visit my social media sites (listed on the Home page) and stop in and say hi!

Stay beautiful, 
Love the world, it needs you right now, 
Zi xxx